Friday, June 20, 2008

Shingetsutan Tsukihime

The series follows the life of Shiki Tohno, a prodigious 17-year old high school student, who is gifted with a mysterious ability to see "death-lines", which, when cut, will destroy the object they reside within. A product of a fatal, life-threatening injury suffered in his childhood, this unique yet traumatizing ability of Shiki's is shielded by a pair of special glasses, a childhood gift from a mysterious woman, Aoko Aozaki. These glasses aid him in not seeing the death-lines and to live a relatively peaceful and normal life. Shiki is sent away from his household, the Tohno mansion, because of the fatal injury and the ill health that followed afterwards. He spends years living with relatives of the Tohno family, the Arimas. Finally, after eight years, following the death of his adoptive father, Makihisa, Shiki returns to the Tohno mansion to live with his sister, Akiha. Akiha had been given the responsibility of being the Tohno family's new matriarch. As the story progresses, Shiki gradually discovers his past and numerous other mysteries surrounding him.



Member Review
Ending Themes
"Rinne no hateni..." by Fumiko Orikasa
Opening Themes
"The Sacred Moon" by Toshiyuki Omori

Shiki Tohno
Normal high school student with a demon magic eyes. He's often experience many black out and when he gains his conciousness back he doesn't know what happened during the black out. Rather than just a normal black out, he turned into a high skill demon assasin and sliced Arcueid into 17 pieces

Arcueid Brunestud
The True Ancestor of the vampires. She can live in daylight and doesn't require blood to exit.