Friday, June 20, 2008

Gundam Wing

The story of Gundam Wing begins in the year After Colony 195, with the start of "Operation: Meteor", the scientists' plan for revenge against the OZ military organization. The operation involves five young boys who have each been chosen and trained by one of the five rogue scientists, then sent to Earth independently in extremely advanced Mobile Suits, one designed by each of the scientists, known as "Gundams". Their Mobile Suits are called Gundams because they are constructed from a rare and astonishingly durable material known as Gundanium alloy, which can only be created in outer space. The five Gundam Pilots — Heero Yuy (an alias, not to be confused with the assassinated leader), Duo Maxwell (also an alias), Trowa Barton (another alias, he was previously known as Nanashi (No-Name)), Quatre Raberba Winner, and Chang Wufei — originally have no knowledge of each others' existence. On first meeting any of the other five, each pilot believes the others to be enemy pilots in new OZ mobile suit designs. Once the young pilots realize that they have the same objective of destroying OZ (and in some cases the same mission), they band together to help each other complete their goals.



Member Review
A completely insane anime, the main character is probably the most manly and coolest main character in any anime i have ever watched, and the anime is worth watching just for him. it has a great plot with tons and tons of twists and turns, and it keeps you guessing until the end.

if you like mecha, gundam wing is second to none

Ending Themes
"It's Just Love!" by Rumi Oishi (ep. 1-49)
Opening Themes
"JUST COMMUNICATION" by Two-Mix (ep. 1-40)
"RHYTHM EMOTION" by Two-Mix (ep. 41-49)

Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy is a complicated character. His cold, business-like demeanor seems more fitting for a battle hardened veteran than a fifteen-year-old boy. When Relena Peacecraft meets Doctor J, the engineer comments that Heero is actually a very kind-hearted young man who keeps his emotions reined in while fighting. On many occasions, Heero espouses the philosophy that being emotional on the battlefield will only result in heartbreak, so soldiers need to be able to fight without caring about their opponents. He is the most skilled and focused in combat out of the five pilots which makes him a great asset and a deadly force to be reckoned with in a mobile suit.

Relena Peacecraft
Relena was born in April 7, AC 180, and is the daughter of Sanc Kingdom rulers, King Peacecraft and his wife, Queen Katrina, who adopted the original Heero Yuy's "Total Pacifism" beliefs for Earth. But in AC 182, the Sanc Kingdom was attacked by the United Earth Sphere Alliance, crushing the Peacecraft monarchy. Vice Foreign Minister Darlian, a friend of the Peacecrafts, eventually adopted Relena, and she was renamed Relena Darlian.Once she learns of her true heritage as a Peacecraft, she does all she can to bring her father's Total Pacifism to the world, no matter how many people consider her naïve and how utterly hard it is to bring their theories to the practice.

Duo Maxwell
Of American origin, Duo is the pilot of the Gundam Deathscythe.He is an expert salvager and a member of The Sweeper Group, a group of salvagers and tinkers. On the exterior, Duo seems like a happy, charming, relaxed, and laid-back jokester, and for the most part he is; however, he is also a deep person with a terrible childhood with many dark feelings that he doesn't allow the other pilots to see.

Trowa Barton(no-name)
Trowa pilots the XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms, and uses its sheer firepower to unleash destruction upon his enemies. In order to remain undercover, he is employed as a circus performer who has a way with acrobatics and animals. Despite a job that requires a joyful disposition, he maintains a very distant persona.Eventually he joins up with the other Gundam pilots, and even strikes up a friendship with one of them.In Episode Zero it was revealed that before he joined the Barton group, No-Name (Nanashi) (which is what Trowa called himself before he took on the name of the real Trowa Barton) was part of a rebel outfit as a mobile suit pilot.

Quatre Raberba Winner
Quatre was born into the wealthy Winner family, the youngest child of thirty, and the only son. As the sole heir to an enormous fortune, he grew up with all his needs provided for by servants, and a forty-strong private army, the Maganac Corps, to protect him. In spite of his pacifist upbringing, Quatre took up arms to defend the space colonies on which he was raised.

Chang Wufei
Chang Wufei is descended from a Chinese clan known as the Long Clan.The Long Clan was long ago banished into the rundown colony A0206 by their government, who were afraid of their power.Wufei is a loner and prefers to fight alone. He is driven by a warrior's pride, and single-mindedly battles to achieve his objectives. He regards strength and honor as very important; at one point when he lost to Treize in a duel, he thought he wasn't good enough to be a Gundam Pilot. Unlike the other four pilots Wufei doesn't fight for peace, instead he fights for true justice.